Love Mis-directed
Gotta say the Hard Truth
Amin George Forji
Right from that dream night
That we first met
By the sandy beach
I could read from your eyes
How much you’d surrendered your poor heart
Without any reservation to me
T’s now exactly a year and eight moons
And if anything, your love only gets stronger,
More sincere and truer
U ‘ve always without any hesitation
Done everything it takes to make me happy
Invent every possible thing under the sun to buy me a smile
How I wish I could really acknowledge these things to u
But am deeply sorry cos I know am unable to ever do so
U don’t need the best words on earth for this
Fully understand that the only way I can pay u back is to lend u my gentle heart
How I wish I could, cos your pay could be no less
But once more, am sorry I can’t
For one year and eight moons
That you surrendered yourself to me
Have been nothing but a real shadow
And though u touched me, was impossible to get hold of me
Every flowery word I said to u
Was nothing but beautiful castles in t air
And for your wonderful and marvelous amorous deeds
That you did to me
I simply transferred them to another girl
The girl keeping my humble heart
The hard truth is that
To u, my heart is nothing but a lump of ice
How I wish she was u
I do to her what you normally do to me
And never has it seem to be enough
Like I have always been to u,
The reply on her eyes will always be: ‘Please, do more!’
Like I ‘ve always been to u,
The more I do, the more she expects
Yet, she is nothing but a lump of ice
Now I know why they say love is blind
The more she melts, the more I love her
And dear, you know what?
She has now confessed to me
That she summer is underway
And the sun will melt the ice out of her
And I cannot help myself, cos I she will melt with my poor heart
Dear, u ‘re too good to be wasted
That’s why I’ve decided to confess the hard truth
That though I wish I could love u
Yet, because nothing but a lump of ice
I know for sure
That when summer approaches, the sun will melt the ice out of me
Forgive me, if u can