Wordless thoughts diffuse
my conscious dream
Like ink on blotting paper
They diffuse
Take form
And shape the words
that glide to my ears
And slowly, methodically
steal the moment
Telling me who I am
Taunting, tantalizing
Stating the facts
And questioning
My existence
Thus day awakes
from night’s confusion
The rambling dreams of
yesterday and tomorrow
Of other lives and
parallel existences
And question
who I am
And saying thus
State, I am a
life in place, racing,
traveling, dreaming,
An existence
in this graying,
This greed displaced
convulsion of humanity
in its blind belief
in material growth
Its perversion
of the natural order
Wordless thoughts
transcend my vision
The outward inward
messages ignored
I move in measure
to my dreams
My inward outward
Accepting my being
Rejecting my doubts
The antihero in
a writhing, screaming
The antihero, the
faithless faith healer
Communicating with
Transcending order and
conventional strife
Dreaming my way through
life in chaotic strides
That leap the divides
And defy the odds
Challenge the commonality
of unquestioned order
And live in a solitary
path of wordless thoughts
My existence
Michael David Coffey
September 17, 2003
Michael David Coffey, Professor,
3206 Webber Hall,
Department of Plant Pathology,
University of California,
Riverside, CA 92521, USA
Website: https://phytophthora.ucr.edu