Poems of Laurie Corzett

What Is Truth?

My understandings come in bursts of light
Illuminating an expanse of imaginal plane.
My theories come in synchronicities and
instinctual leaps.
My truth comes in different shapes and sizes.
It is not free, but fluctuates
in tone and price.
Pretty butterflies may morph
into pre-archaic beasts
of mechanical flight
then fission into visions
throughout time and space
or coalesce into a perfect face.
Is there Truth?
A million tiny fire flies dance.
Packing up my picnic
I head on home to dream.
On my way
a willow tree
swaying magestically over open water
opens to a glimpse
of the frozen moon.

(c) Feb.17, 2006 Laurie Corzett


Karmic Stream

along the lazy stream of time
crossing the whirlwind of space
rippling crevices
in the contours of my mind.
Expecting miracles.
One day precedes the next.
I am reminded of a
faultless day in spring.
Next I know I am hauling logs
in winter
cold, icy hands and feet
dripping nose
exhausted and wilting.
There are no promises.
None to hold them to.
There are no changelings of the night
not even aliens to remove us.
There is energy
There is form
There is shadow receding
into substance.
There is here and now receding
into there and then.
There are the promises we keep
never knowing we have made them.
shining in the sun
colours of a thousand worlds’ rainbows.
Ripples quietly receding
infinitely regressing
first cause
last effect.

(c) Feb. 18, 2006 Laurie Corzett