Tat twam asi.
That thou art.
Commentary by Sri Chinmoy
What does it mean? It means that you are no other than God. Who else is God, if not you?
A God-lover knocked at God’s Heart-door. God from within, said, ‘Who is it?’
The God-lover said, ‘It is I.’ The door remained locked. The man knocked and knocked. Finally he went away. After an hour he came back again. He knocked at God’s Heart-door. God, from within, said, ‘Who is it?’
The God-lover said, ‘ It is I.’ The door remained locked. The man knocked and knocked at the door in vain. Finally he left.
After another hour, again he came back and knocked at God’s Heart-door. From within, God said, ‘Who is it?’
The God-lover said, ‘My eternal Beloved, it is Thou.?’ God immediately opened His Heart-door.